
What type of IT Service do you need?
How can we help you?

OS X and Windows repair service
– same day repair service based in CBD, Cape Town!

We offer the following range of professional IT Services:

Where do I find a reliable IT support for my small business?
If you need an IT support available on request we are another company to choose from. What differs us from the competitors?

One-to-one consultations and dedicated IT technician
Short therm contracts available
We are local and we always be! Quality not a quantity. You are only one of few companies we want to work with.

Call us now on:

Office: 021 422 2013
Mobile: 082 662 0207

and let us solve your IT problems.

We can help you remotely or get to your office and work on site.

Range of services.
From hardware and software troubleshooting, server administration to new IT technology implementations.

  • Networking, network design, network troubleshooting
  • Backup, cloud backup, regular backups
  • Windows migration, operating system upgrades and maintenance
  • Hardware and software maintenance,
  • Desktop Computer administration,
  • Server setup
  • Microsoft Office setup
  • Printer and office equipment setup

Have you lost your files by mistake?

Bring your laptop, PC or MacBook computer if you cannot access your personal files. The hard drive could develope a fault but there is a big chance for only a software issue. Whatever problem it is, the chance for success is still here.

We use all latest methods to retrieve your files from all type of hard drives, memory cards, SSD drives and flash storage.

We are your first place to come if you are local (South London). There are some places which specialise in a deep data recoveries but they charg much more and you may not really need to use them. We give you a quote before we start the job.

Our success rate is 85% but if for any reason we cannot get your files, we will advice you about possible options.

If you files cannot be accessed they may not be there anymore. As we have spent several hours trying to restore your files, we have to charge a service fee for it. You will get a report telling why the files cannot be restored and a professional advice about what elsce can be done.

Whatever way we attempt to recover your data, we never make it worst.

New Windows installation

There can be many reasons for new Windows installation. If you frequently see blue error screens, if the Windows system doesn’t load, if the hard drive has to be replaced or your computer runs very slow, best solution is to completely reinstall the Windows.

Please note that a basic fresh Windows installation would mean that your computer will be like from the shop: any of your applications, saved passwords and personal files would be lost. If you don’t mind, lets go ahead, otherwise read further.

Before we do anything, we ask you for your personal files backup, applications which you use, especially those with separate license key (Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, etc) and any other which you need to have installed back (Skype, Chrome, iTunes, Spotify, etc).

If you need your printer software to be installed, let us know. Any of this special requirements will add the cost but before we start the job, we will give you the quote.

Windows may start to cause problems with a time you use it. It depends on software you install, the way you shut it down or how frequently you install and uninstall the software. Windows system has been designed to be refreshed every year or so and only then it will run at its optimal speed.